Monday, November 27, 2017

Mesothelioma Compensation Claims Increasing

Mesothelioma Compensation Claims Increasing

While it is not 100% certain to claim that mesothelioma lung cancer has been caused by exposure to asbestos it is indisputable that it is the most likely cause.

This means litigation cases are normally more directed at proving that one company or authority was responsible rather then whether the condition is a result of asbestos or other factors such as a long term smoking habbit.

Mesothelioma Compensation Claims Increasing

Because mesothelioma is fatal the compensation paid to victims with successful claims can be huge and when a judge awards a mesothelioma settlement it is nearly always reported in the national press. This has made asbestos injury attorneys widespread but also means that claimants should be extremely wary of the jargon put to them and the type of fee structure that their attorney is using. It is possible for the family of a deceased victim of mesothelioma to still make a litigation case for damages. This can add to the opportunity for an unscrupulous lawyer to make a fortune out of another persons grief or loss. "No win no fee" claims should be considered very cautiously as it goes without saying that if you do win damages your fee could be extremely high. This is why it is essential that you seek out as many lawyers and find out who you warm to the most and how each one differs in their approach and fees. You want to begin your case with a lawyer that you feel you can work with as your case could be drawn out.

In the US it is predicted that mesothelioma claims will peak around the year 2020 and then slowly tail off. This is because of the widespread changes that were introduced in the 1980's to clear public buildings, factories, homes and products of asbestos to make them safe. A contrary argument goes that cases will increase as in the future there will be less excuses for co operations to make for direct accusations of poor public safety. A good example of this was demonstrated after the 2001 attacks on New York. Many claims since then for asbestos injury have been made although it was widely believed that asbestos removal was carried out in most of the buildings years before. Proving a link between a victims condition and his employer's premises or work conditions will become ever more contentious as years go on and it is not clear that remuneration settlements will always be so high.

Many countries outside of the United States did not follow such programs of asbestos removal in the 1980's and if the litigation culture predominant in the US were to transpose itself to countries such as China, the former USSR and the Eastern block countries in the future then there will no doubt be a large amount of claimants for lawyers to reach for many years to come.

Dr. Nathan Sturley is a British researcher living in Kent, UK. He has written on numerous health issues and is currently writing a new book on compensation culture and the growth of litigation in western countries.

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